Midway/Pacific Highway Corridor

Put on your walking shoes

Put on your walking shoes. The car is most definitely king in this San Diego community. It was time for the king to share the road. CityWorks created an innovative plan to increase pedestrian use, housing, services and open space by developing five distinct, mixed-use districts. The concept for each district expanded upon its existing strengths and character. Districts were then linked by a system of pedestrian routes and open spaces. Stakeholder involvement included working with the community planning group to create a leadership role for its members at workshops and other events to foster a sense of ownership of the planning process.

The CityWorks’ team in partnership with City Staff conducted three community workshops, and presentations at four community planning group meetings and one planning commission hearing. From this planning process, a master plan, as well as initial concepts for design guidelines were produced.



  • Community Plan Update

  • Design Guidelines Concepts

  • Design and Conduct Public Workshops

  • Presentations to Community Planning Groups

  • Design and Conduct Planning Commission Presentations


City of San Diego, California


City of San Diego