In a time not so long ago – let’s say the 1950’s “copy” – lived by itself. When “copy” was darn good and ready, it asked “art” to stand by its side. It wasn’t a marriage made in heaven as all the decisions about their life together had been made by “copy” without any consideration of what “art” wanted or could contribute if asked. So, the marriage limped along until the day that “art” was liberated and asked to contribute its ideas. This marriage was now a happy and prosperous one.

Today, we benefit from this thoughtful approach to make sure that the copy and art are developed together to maximize what both partners bring to the table. The blog posts this month will emphasize how art helps copy better express its meaning.

To begin, here is an example of a bad marriage between art and copy and a good one.


Credit: Chrysler Corporation/Plymouth

Bad Marriage: Art was clearly asked late to join this party.

Screen shot 2014-05-04 at 8.03.13 AM

Credit: Volkswagen

Good Marriage: Art and copy work together to cleverly poke fun at old
advertising strategies to sell cars

To identify the best way to express your message, engage your audience, and identify the most appropriate method to deliver the communication, i.e. e-blast, printed newsletter, airplane banner, we will share other tricks of the trade with you in the blog posts that follow. These tips will help your “art” and “copy” happily drive off into the sunset.  The use of hierarchy will be addressed in our next blog post.

Laura Warner, President & Steve Luoma, Art Director
Warner Architecture + Design